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Dear Bankless Nation,

Here’s a hard truth some of us need to swallow.

The base layer of a blockchain isn’t for people—it’s for robots and chains.

We’ve been saying this for a while. High-value transactions will always crowd out low-value transactions on the base layer.

This is why Ethereum gas fees are high. This is also why Ethereum is transitioning toward a modular architecture. Monolithic chains don’t scale.

Instead, we’ll be living in a modular world—a world of many chains. A world where there are hundreds of chains on Layer 2 that settle to Ethereum. Layer 2 is where we’ll transact, lend, borrow, collect, swap, and live our lives.

We’ll get cheap, instant transactions, scalable for the world without compromising on decentralization and security.

Today we have Layer 2’s like Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Starkware, ZkSync and dozens of others. The problem? The assets on these Layer 2’s are siloed. It’s fragmented!

That’s where bridges come in.

Bridges help you move tokens between chains.

William shows us how to use bridges today. Let’s dive in.

P.S. Some of these bridges may have future airdrops! Check out our airdrop guide for more.

🙏 Sponsor: Lido—simplified and secure liquid staking for digital assets.

Bankless Writer: William M. Peaster, Bankless contributor and Metaversal writer

Graphic by Logan Craig